Meeting Minutes


Town Hall, Selectmen’s Meeting Room
Falmouth, MA

Michael Galasso(C), David Eldredge(VC), Chris Langlais(T), Jay Zavala(Clerk), Jim Fox, Sue Moran, Brooks Bartlett


The chairman called the meeting to order and announced that the meeting was being recorded. He asked for public comment and there was none.


The chairman asked Zavala to introduce the presenter for the meeting. Zavala introduced Carol McLeod of Carol McLeod Design (CMD) located in Mashpee. CMD has taken over the maintenance of the existing EDIC website along with undertaking the design of a more robust and modern website that will allow the EDIC to manage it more effectively and give better communication capabilities. Following a brief history of CMD she went over timelines for completion depending on the complexity of the site and hit the highlights for each phase of a site development. Jay will send the email addresses of all the members to McLeod so she can send out a Needs Analysis questionnaire for each member to fill out. This will allow each member to quickly respond with their input back to CMD. She will consolidate and update next week. Zavala and Moran will work with McLeod to meet and move forward before the next meeting. Board comments included: Moran: Partner with Chamber and Town to avoid redundancy. Bartlett: Who will maintain site? Galasso: Wants site to be progressive, contemporary, forward thinking look. Zavala: Focus to be on user’s needs. Galasso: Express two projects. Station-link to architect’s page; Solar Array McLeod: Can launch partial site and augment later. Fox: Need brand identity. Wants to brainstorm Zavala: Branding/logo not part of web design. Galasso: Subcommittee should meet between monthly board meetings. Fox: Wants to give input during meetings vs. questionnaire


Fox stated that nothing had been done with the potential properties/Land Swap with regard to the 5 Year Plan. The chairman asked that the subcommittee write a letter to the planning board chairman to see what can be done to move it along. Bartlett said he would write the letter. Zavala said Land Swap with EDIC not on current 5-yr strat plan. The chairman stated that at last night’s BOS meeting they were discussing the landfill and the ground lease rent that would come to the EDIC. The question was asked what the EDIC was going to do with that money. What they were really asking is what the EDIC are plans for the next five, ten, or fifteen years. The chairman said that he would need to get back to them in the next two weeks. Chair Galasso wanted input from everyone by the end of the week to include bullet points of where EDIC is going, what programs are missing and future loan programs, in order to show the direction the EDIC is heading with small business, makerspace, investment of $100K. Fox: Selectmen are discussing changes at Town Hall to integrate Community Planning Development. Dialog implies an entity like the EDIC. EDIC not involved or included in the discussions.

Fox said that the Planning Board is working diligently on the Accessory Apartment Ordinance and Multi-Family Zoning to get a warrant ready for the fall town meeting. Fox stated that these items have been on the agenda in just about every PB meeting. He stated they are getting real close to having a draft. When the draft by-law is set there will be a public hearing. It will then go to the BOS and they will have another public hearing. Then it will brought to town meeting. The chairman added that what is needed is a three dimensional design to show what the ordinance means. This should make it easier to sell at town meeting. Chairman wants EDIC to bring models for accessory units to the Planning Board. Zavala said the EDIC should exercise its advocacy role in support.


Eldredge updated the committee on the progress of the FS project. He said an RFP was sent out at the end of last year for the architectural services for the FS project. There were three respondents. All three were interviewed. After the interviews the committee thought all three were adequate but one in particular stood out above the rest. It was their vision of “adaptive reuse” of the facility and their experience with government projects that better qualified them. The firm that was chosen was Beacon Architectural Associates from Boston. A week after selection the committee met with BAA to review their financial proposal. The first part of their proposal was their vision for the project along with their experience for the job and the second part was for price proposal. After reviewing it with them by line item they significantly reduced the cost of their proposal to fit the budget. Eldredge then made a motion for the chairman to execute a contract with Beacon Architectural Associates for the work that they would be performing on the FS project. Zavala seconded the motion. The chairman added that this firm had done some work in Falmouth designing the extension of the Falmouth Library and was also involved with the Sea Crest renovations. He also said that we try to keep it local but they had the most experience with the intricacies of government projects and they also agreed to tighten up the schedule. Working plans will be out for bid by April 15th to get the project started. To go along with this the FS Advisory Committee is hosting a public meeting on the 21st at the Falmouth Library at 6:30 for the public to present and discuss their ideas. The lead architect for the project will be there to answer any questions. Zavala reviewed with the chairman that the selection of BAA met or exceeded the selection criteria and represents the best value for this award process. The chairman agreed. The vote was taken on the motion and passed unanimously. Eldredge then thanked Barbara Weyand and Paul Drier for all the work they did as members of the sub-committee promoting the project and getting involved in picking the architect. The chairman then stated that the EDIC has a meeting with MASS DOT on January 21st. The objective is to meet with the new members and make it an easy transition so when the grant money is spent it will be readily available.

Galasso reviewed that he and Fox made a presentation to the BOS last evening. He reviewed the process to select Citizen’s Energy with them and then asked them to execute the two agreements: first the lease between the town and the EDIC and second the Power Purchase agreement. They asked how EDIC came up with the numbers on how much the town was going to save? Fox highlighted the PP presentation (from last evening) and showed the committee a thorough cost analysis showing the lucrative benefits that the town will receive for the next 20 years.

Monthly warrant and financials presented by Langlais for $ 6,622.50. It passed unanimously. A discussion followed about opening separate accounts for each project; Falmouth Station and Landfill Solar. A motion was made to open a separate accounts and for the Chairman, Treasurer, and Clerk to sign to open the account. It was seconded and passed unanimously.

Zavala revealed that the application for a CCEDC grant failed to win favor and was rejected. The chairman requested a copy of the letter from Zavala. (Zavala pass the original letter to the chair.)

Zavala stated that the CC has not issued their report. NATIONAL GRADUATE SCHOOL (new business) After reviewing his report at last month’s meeting Zavala made a motion to support the National Graduate School Business Workshops on April 6th and 13th. The motion was seconded. It passed unanimously.


A motion was made and seconded to approve the December executive session minutes but not publish them until February. It passed. The regular public meeting notes will be adjusted and brought forth in the Feb meeting.

Covered in today’s Presentation RECORDING SECRETARY-None (Not present)






A motion was made and seconded to adjourn. It passed unanimously

February 9, 2016, 8:30 AM


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