Meeting Minutes


Falmouth Town Hall, Selectmens Meeting Room, 59 Town Hall Square,
Falmouth, MA 02540

Paul Burke (T), Christopher Simmler (Ck), Brooks Bartlett, Michael Galasso, Patti Haney

Christopher Land (C), Susan Moran (VC)

9:40 MOTION: Simmler made a motion to move into Executive Session in respect to the lease negotiations for Solar Landfill Phase 2 and sale inquiry and price negotiation of the Raymond Park lots. Haney 2nd. Roll Call: Aye Michael Galasso, Aye Patti Haney, Aye Chris Simmler, Aye Paul Burke, Aye Thomas Feronti. Motion passed.


  • DiGiano advised that a LOI with the Town of Falmouth is required to set forth the terms and understanding of the rebid process for the 2nd phase of the solar landfill project: those of the EDIC and the Town of Falmouth. DiGiano described the outline the of the document to the Board and provided them with copies of it.

  • The Town will need to define and provide separate legal descriptions of the land used for Phase 1 vs. the land to be utilized for Phase 2. The current lease for Phase 1 does not separate out the acreage in use. This will need to be done before publishing an RFP for Phase 2. If Citizens is not chosen as the Phase 2 developer, the lease for Phase 1 with Citizens will need to be redone to define the acreage for each Solar Landfill project – separate and distinct.

  • Feronti inquired if an RFP process/selection is possible to complete by March. Also, is the RFP being structured so that if a new developer is chosen, there are built in extensions so that the EDIC doesn’t have to go thru the processes again with the Town and a new RFP? DiGiano responded yes – to both, but it will be tight.

  • Burke inquired about potential revenue for Phase 2. DiGiano will stipulate a 100% land lease payment to the EDIC for Phase 2 in the LOI to the Town of Falmouth.

  • Simmler and Burke inquired about the renegotiation of the Solar Landfill Phase 1 lease payments – to 100%. Galasso advised that during the Solar Phase 1 negotiations it was stated that a reconsideration for a greater percentile of the lease payments would be considered if the EDIC presented a business plan and identification of where the additional money will be spent.

  • Galasso suggested that the new RFP contain language that all expense and costs incurred by the EDIC must be reimbursed to the EDIC, as well, a project management fee needs to be assessed.


  • Simmler requested permission to negotiate with the top selected proposers for the CFON study, to get at close as possible to the budgeted expense of $50k.

  • DiGiano advised that premier businesses across the country submitted proposals. This was a more difficult process as there was an abundance of study wants; more than budget expense will allow. The committee recommended CCG as optimal vendor for this study. They came closest to the budget with acceptable demand forecast methodology and specific implementation avenues. They have offered a path to reduce the study to meet the $50K budget.

  • Moran inquired if the Falmouth EDIC is undertaking anything with Open Cape that will hamper a Town municipal broadband system should they decide to initiate this project. Art Gaylord advised that Open Cape is not involved at any level with the CFON current activities.

  • MOTION: Moran made a motion to authorize Chris Simmler/ Michael DiGiano to proceed with contract negotiations on behalf of Falmouth EDIC with Workbar; the goal is to obtain the study budget of $25K, not to exceed $30K, without affecting the quality of the deliverables required of the study. Final contract to be brought back to the FEDIC Board. Haney 2nd. All in favor. Approved.

  • MOTION: Moran made a motion to amend the prior motion to add executing the contract upon successfully reaching the desired study content and budgeted price within a $5K variance. Galasso 2nd. Roll Call: Aye Chris Simmler, Aye Patti Haney, Aye Michael Galasso, Aye Susan Moran, Aye Paul Burke.

  • MOTION: Moran made a motion to authorize Chris Simmler/ Michael DiGiano to proceed with contract negotiations and execution on behalf of Falmouth EDIC with CCG; the goal is to obtain the study budget of $50K, or not to exceed an additional 5% of the budget, while maintaining the required deliverables of the study. Final contract to be brought back to the FEDIC Board. Simmler 2nd. Roll Call: Aye Chris Simmler, Aye Patti Haney, Aye Michael Galasso, Aye Susan Moran, Aye Paul Burke.


  • Town Counsel advised that the IG’s office told the EDIC needed to rebid the project as the contract expired with Citizen’s Energy in 2018. The FEDIC missed the deadline to extend the contract.

  • Federal tax credits will be declining in the next years.

  • DiGiano estimated it may cost up to $45k to rebid the phase 2 solar project. Galasso suggested that whomever is awarded the contact, this expense be added into the project costs to recoup this expense.

  • Citizen’s will rebid on this project. Eversource just informed Citizens of the connection agreement – over a year to accomplish. They have an advantage because they have the interconnection agreement.

  • MOTION: Galasso made a motion to move forward with reissuing an RFP for the Solar Phase 2 Project. Haney 2nd. Roll Call: Aye, Chris Simmler, Aye Patti Haney, Aye Michael Galasso, Aye Susan Moran, Aye Paul Burke. Motion passed.

MOTION: Haney made a motion to adjourn the Executive Session meeting. Simmler 2nd. Roll Call: Aye Chris Simmler, Aye Patti Haney, Aye Michael Galasso, Aye Susan Moran, Aye Paul Burke. Motion passed.

NEXT MEETING – November 12, 2019, 8 am


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